Moana, Encanto, Frozen, and Frozen 2

Okay, I may be one of the last people in the world to see these movies but I have now been officially introduced to these four ‘classics’…..and I’m a fan!

We are blessed to be able to care for our two little granddaughters from time to time and the above-mentioned shows have become ‘go-to’ movies on those rainy days or post-nap snuggle time.

Hei Hei from Moana

Full disclosure: It is RARE that we ever get through any of these shows from start to finish without interruptions of one form or another. Okay, interruptions or distractions, to be honest. Once the movie is up and running and we are settled in for the show, little ones can get quite squirmy and restless, finding interest in almost anything other than the show. There are times when we are sitting through a showing and I realize that I hadn’t seen this part of one or the other movie before!

And bless Disney for ensuring that parents (and grandparents) get entertained while watching these shows. The characters often display little nuances, puns, and bits of dialog that are targeted at a more grown-up audience. Even the little kids enjoy it when Mom, Dad, or one of the grandparents laughs at their show.

I do remember the ELSA craze when Frozen first came out. The number of times we heard ‘Let It Go’ (along with the hundred or so parodies) was quite mind-boggling. I’m sure Elsa was the #1 Halloween costume for a few years running.

Olaf from Frozen and Frozen 2

In all honesty, I think Anna is the real star of Frozen. Who’s with me? And what about Olaf, the snowman. He should have won an Oscar for his performance. I’m a fan!

Hei Hei, the chicken in Moana is another scene-stealer. One of our little granddaughters even ‘screams’ just before Hei Hei does when he realizes he’s out in the middle of the ocean. Too funny.

Mirabel and Bruno are also wonderful characters in Encanto. So much fun and great music, to boot!

The big picture is that I think Disney has done some good stuff with these shows. Yes, the marketing for some of them has been very slick and, I’m sure, Disney has not lost any money on these endeavours. The really nice thing, though, are the messages sent through each of them.

Our world doesn’t always seem like the nicest place in the world and I think that this kind of show allows us some time to really reflect on the important things like family, love, respect, and the knowledge that each and every one of us has something to offer no matter how we look, how old we are, or where we come from.

Adding to the April 4th entry, I think all politicians and world leaders would benefit from watching these shows from time to time and reflect on the messages intertwined throughout. Be kind to each other, listen, and treat each other with respect.

It really would be a better world if we all did a few of these things more often.

Maribel from Encanto